First United Methodist Church - Sabetha
Women's Bible Study
Tuesday Mornings at 9 a.m. Video driven women's Bible Study on different topics.
Men's Class Meeting
Tuesday mornings at 8 AM in the Education Building.
Wonderful Women of Faith
This group of women meets at 8 AM on the first Wednesday of each month at the Buzz Cafe for devotion, fellowship and breakfast.
Apostolic Christian Nursing Home
Holy Communion is offered to the residents of the AC Nursing Home on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 10:15 AM.
Bible Study at Apostolic Christian Assisted Living
Bible study meets in the lobby of the AC Assisted Living apartments on Wednesdays at 11 AM.
Mighty Men of God
This group of men meet at 8 AM on the first Saturday of each month at the Buzz Cafe for devotion, fellowship, and breakfast.
Women's Ministries
The Sabetha Methodist Women meet throughout the year. They are active in Bible Studies, socials, prayer chain and special projects. The UWF also fixes funeral meals for families in the church.
The Roaring 20's
This a fellowship group of people largley in their 20s. The group meets at least once a month depending on participants' schedules. If you are interested in being a part of this group, please contact Pastor Larry.
Chancel Choir
The Sabetha Methodist Church Chancel Choir practices on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm throughout the school year. This group sings anthems on various Sundays during the worship service.
Praise Band
The praise band performs contemporary music usually once a month for Sunday worship.
Bus Ministry
The church offers bus transportation to and from church for individuals in nursing homes or private residences.
Summer Activities
Vacation Bible School - A summer Bible School is offered for children in age groups Preschool to Fifth Grade on July 15 - 19, 2024.
Camp - Various activities and camping experiences are available through Camp Chippewa.